Springtime is all about new outdoor adventures as the gloomy winter weather gives way to longer days and glorious sunshine. But while our pooches have fun exploring every green patch they can find in gardens and parks, owners might be wondering how safe is it for their pets to make acquaintance with every plant under the sun. Colourful spring flowers are wonderful, but are they just harmless beauties, or might they pose a danger for overly curious dogs?
In this article, we’re answering the question ‘are bluebells poisonous to dogs’, so you can make sure your pet doesn’t get into too much trouble while admiring these beautiful spring flowers.
How to identify bluebells?
Fortunately, bluebells are some of the easiest flowers to recognise when out and about with your dog. They usually come in a deep-blue colour, with tubular-bell flowers dropping to one side of the stem and very thin, narrow leaves. They’re accompanied by a very lovely, sweet smell. Chances are you’ll encounter them on woodland walks, particularly during April and May.
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