Teaching your dog new tricks is a good way to keep them active and mentally stimulated, as well as a great bonding opportunity for the two of you. If your dog has already mastered the ‘sit’, ‘down’, and ‘stay’ tricks, the next step is to teach them how to roll over.  

Regardless of whether they’re pups or adult dogs, rolling over is a fun and easy trick for them to know and can be extra helpful in certain situations like vet examinations. Not to mention the cuteness of it all! So, are you ready to learn how to teach a dog to roll over? Check out these easy and straightforward steps that you can follow to teach your little (or big) goofball some rolling skills! 

When can you start teaching your dog tricks? 

Teaching your furry friend tricks can begin as soon as you bring them home, but as a general rule, the younger the dog, the easier it will be to teach them new tricks. The recommended time to start training classes for pups would be when they’re between 12 and 16 weeks, after they’re all done with their vaccinations. This is preferable as their responsiveness and obedience are higher at this age because they’re naturally looking for guidance. As adults, they might take longer to learn, but with the right approach and some patience, it should be as easy as pie. 

The benefits of training your dog 

Basic training involving tricks can be highly beneficial in helping your dog to develop patience and increase their confidence. When they learn a new behaviour it helps them better communicate with you, makes your bond stronger, and boosts their obedience, leading to more quality moments together. 

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Trick training is also great for your pooch’s overall health because it keeps their minds active and helps them exercise more, therefore increasing their flexibility and concentration and helping them build more muscle.

What you need 

Luckily, trick training doesn’t require a lot of effort and there are just a few things you’ll need to teach your dog to roll over: 

  • A quiet space that’s free of any distractions like food, noise, or other people. 
  • A rug or carpet for your pet that they’d feel comfortable on. 
  • Delicious treats. These should be small and soft so that they can be eaten quickly. It would also be best if you use treats that they don’t normally get so that they are extra motivated. 
  • Optional: a small clicker that you can use when the dog follows the command. 
  • Patience and enthusiasm. 

How to teach a dog to roll over 

The ‘roll over’ trick involves more steps than other basic tricks so following these directions is key in successfully teaching your dog how to roll over on command. 

Things to avoid when teaching your dog tricks 

Trying to speed up the process by rushing them 

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Teaching a dog how to roll over takes time and practice and so you shouldn’t push your dog to achieve results quickly. Remember that patience and consistency is key and if you find yourself impatient, it’s time to take a break and try again another time. 

Not consulting a vet first  

Some dogs might suffer from ailments that can cause them pain when performing certain tricks so it’s best to check with their vet that you can go ahead with the training. 

Using a harsh tone of voice  

Dogs respond better to a light and positive voice so try talking to them gently and offering the command in a playful way that lets them know this is just a fun game. 

Continuing training even if your dog seems uncomfortable or unwell 

Pay attention to their behaviour and if something seems off, stop the training and give them time to rest.   

Now that you’ve learned how to teach a dog to roll over, it’s time to enjoy showing off your furry friend’s new skill and pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Remember that teaching your dog tricks should be a fun experience, so take it slowly and enjoy the process.  


Do you need more fun ideas to improve your quality time together? Here are 5 other cool tricks you can teach your dog.